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Serving Kenosha, Racine, and Brookfield

Non-Profit Organizations

Non-Profit Organizations

Over 89 Years of Experience | Custom, Personalized Services | No-cost 15-minute Consultation

Over 85 Years of Experience 
Locally Owned Business
Free One-Hour Consultation

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Management Advisory (MAS)

America's non-profit sector plays an increasingly important role in fulfilling the nation's desire for a civil, compassionate and well-functioning society. 

Even the non-profit sector has its challenges like advocacy, arts, civic, cultural, education, and health. These challenges are barriers that need to be addressed so that their mission can be fulfilled. 

Challenges Faced by Non-Profit Organizations

  • Demographic changes that are expanding the market for the services                     of the not-for-profit
  • Commercial pressures that are pushing not-for-profits into greater reliance on fee-for-service income
  • Expanded competition from for-profit providers
  • Opposition to not-for-profit advocacy activity
  • Challenges to the tax-exempt status of not-for-profits
  • Increased accountability pressure
  • Rapidly changing communications technology
Gordon J. Maier & Company, LLP provides services to all types and sizes of non-profit organizations. Tell us your unique challenges, and we'll fix them for you. You can consult with us regarding your tax issues, assessing the control environment and control risks. We'll be right next to you, helping you fulfill your mission without any obstacles. Call us to schedule a free one-hour consultation.
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Consulting for Non-Profits

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(262) 634-7108

(262) 634-7108

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Gordon J Maier & Company LLP

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